Wednesday, 20 March 2013

A literary pilgrimage

I caught myself nodding at Hank's words about what you need to be a writer, as he tries to change Becca's mind about going on a literary pilgrimage (whatever that is).

So, I thought I'd share his words of wisdom with you guys.


The New Yorker rejects itself

Disclaimer: I repeatedly refer to myself in the third person in this post. It is not a sign of my megalomania, but rather a linguistic trick used to help with clarity during reading.

Last night I dreamt of receiving yet another rejection for one of my flash fiction stories. 

I remember the disappointment from my dream as if I was reading the thanks-but-no-thanks-email right now. It's a familiar feeling: the same that washed over the romantic girl who spent her pre-teen and teen years perpetually in love with some guy who never asked her to dance at the school parties.

Saturday, 9 March 2013


So, I'm in the kitchen, finishing up the dishes after dinner, and I think to myself: "You have to check your Scribophile page."

For those I haven't yet filled in, Scribophile is my latest addiction. But it's not a habit I'm going to quit any time soon.

Scribophile is an online community for writers, where they can post their work and receive critiques from other members of the site, in order to improve their craft. It is a great place to post stories you want to submit to a publication or a contest, since the crits will note any grammatical, continuity, characterization and other error you might have missed. It's also an even better place to meet like-minded people!

Anyways, back to the story!

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Winter blues

I started and abandoned writing several posts since the last time I was here.

I know I shouldn't be neglecting the kind people who take the time to read my modest blog, but I couldn't gather up the courage to write anything remotely inspiring or interesting since December.

So today I decided to allow myself an online outlet for my winter frustration. I'll start this post by saying: 

I HATE this never-ending winter!!