Thursday, 11 November 2010

On writing

I started this blog because I wanted to do something about my writing. I wanted to get it out there. Practice the craft of telling stories and hear what other people thought of it. So far though I haven't written so much in that respect. I am shying away from actually doing what I set out to do, because let's face it: It's terrifying.

Writing is a very personal thing. You put your heart into it in the hope that, what you have to say will interest other people. It may even be considered vain. To me it's a necessity.

I've been writing ever since I could hold a pen steady enough in my hand and put coherent sentences onto paper. My first poem was called "Travelling" and it talked about the joys of seeing the world. I was 9 or 10 when I wrote it. I kept a diary for most of my life. My first diary was a little magenta block, where I wrote things like: when I got my dog, what I did at my aunt's house when I visited and so on. The entries became more eloquent with time and it was the most cathartic process during the awkward years of adolescence with all its frustrations, heartbreaks, fights with family and friends, school or just the stress of growing up. I continued writing when I went to university. I wrote short stories in the form of grown-up fairy tales, poems, anything that went through my mind and needed to get out.

I stopped writing for 5 years. They were good years, probably the best so far, but something was missing. When I realised I needed to write in order to feel complete and happy, I decided to do something about it. So I enrolled on a course. Maybe you find the idea ridiculous; "A course to learn how to write! All you need is talent". Talent is the start. The rest is the work you put into it.

I don't expect to learn how to write. I am hoping for guidance, in order to see if what I'm doing has potential, to get into some useful writing habits and maybe gain a different perspective on the art that's telling stories.

Try writing a book or, better yet, forget about the book. Try writing a good short story and you'll see that writing is more than an instant inspiration. It takes time, discipline, perseverance, patience and many cups of coffee. Writing is a risk. There's no safe way doing it. There's no magic rule for a good novel. There are no rules in general. You just have to sit down and do it and hope that what comes out, is worthy reading.

So yeah, I'm scared about putting myself out there, for the whole world to see and judge. I'm going to take it one step at a time. I'll start by saying that, from now on, I will try posting things relevant to writing and not random topics. II'll write about the troubles and joys of writing, I'll post links that I think might be interesting or useful to any other writers out there. And at last, I'll even attempt to show you what I'm made of: a universe of fiction characters living in my head fighting for their voices to be heard.

I hope you'll stick around.


  1. Eliza! Ich habe von deinem Buch geträumt! Du schaffst es. Deine Bewundererin, ;)


  2. Du hast davon geträumt? Ich schaffe es? Dann, hoffe ich mal, dass dein Träum die Wahrheit sagt!

  3. Dear aspiring writer,

    we will read whatever you give us and will stick around in good times and in bad :)

    I admire you for putting yourself and your writing out there in whatever form. Most of us just live with the idea of wanting to write but rarely sit down and do it.


    P.S.Check this out in google:

  4. Dear devoted reader,

    It certainly means a lot to me, knowing that you will read ANYTHING I write. I couldn't wish for a better audience! I'll try and not keep you waiting too long.
