Saturday, 7 January 2012


Some people believe the world will end in 2012.
I can only imagine how much it would suck to be one of them.

But just in case the Mayas didn't run out of space to count the years on, these are the things I would really like to get done before the world ends (in random order):

1. Start exercising regularly and STICK TO IT
2. Quit smoking (*sigh*)
3. Complete one single loooong story (I won't say "novel", that would be expecting too much)
4. Take the car out on my own for a ride around town and NOT PANIC!
5. Lose 3 kilos (...ok maybe just 2)
6. Go to New York
7. Go to Sundance in London
8. Submit more stories
9. Spend less time in front of the TV
10. Plan my wedding without hyperventilating

I just realised, I haven't mentioned one single thing about my professional life. Let's call this Bucket list item No. 11


 oh and

12. Blog more often

Oh...that makes 12.... as in 2012.... Let's add one more thing just in case

13. Grow another 10 cm

There! 13 is good. I like 13. After 7 and 3, 13 pretty much kicks every other number's ass.

So. Happy New Year to all! Let's raise our imaginary glasses and toast to another year of struggles, hopes, dreams, victories and hopefully many, many good laughs!



  1. 1, 4, 5: You read my mind!

    When are you getting married??

  2. Σε ένα χρόνο...έχουμε καιρό ακόμα :)
